When I first heard about Motherhood Penalty, I was shocked beyond imagination! All my life I have seen moms not only working full time but kicking ass while doing it. My mother, while raising 2 daughters and staying with a joint family would cook meals for the entire family and catch a morning 8AM train for her full-time job, would learn the Japanese language as a passion project and would help us study for school. I am sure many of you have been raised by working moms who are such an inspiration for all of us even today!
The fact is, a working mom is an efficient superhuman, an organized multitasker who doesn’t have any time to waste. She can be a great asset to your organization and here’s why you should have working moms in your organizations abundantly.
Did you know a new mother’s brain actually undergoes changes that last up to 2 years?
There are several studies that explain the ‘Mommy brain’. Let’s simplify this and say, the natural instinct of taking care of the infant turns their brain into a super brain. It helps them in the reward and emotion processing, sensory integration, and gives them a better sense of reasoning and judgment.
Now if you have to translate these soft skills into a professional environment, they become more empathetic, more efficient, better planners, and great leaders! I suppose we all require employees who have these skills. Source – https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/bne
She will be a loyal employee for lifetime
Working moms do respect an organization that’s giving them flexibility and valuing her as an important part of the organization. Almost all working moms will be interested in continuing working with you if you are offering stability, support, and lasting opportunities to grow within the company. They will be loyal assets for your organization.
Flexibility and time management
Let’s face it, mothers are always preoccupied.They are trying to manage their home, work, kids, and personal growth. They can be a great example of how to finish tasks on time with efficiency and multi-tasking. A half-time mother can literally outshine a full-time employee. A mother doesn’t have time to waste, she would rather finish her job and move on to her next task.
She can foster a culture of flexibility and work-life balance. In today’s day and age, wouldn’t you give more importance to employees who work hard and smart?
You are setting an example of an inclusive culture with her help
By hiring more working moms, you’re not only trusting their abilities but setting a great example. You are consciously pointing out the biases that take place everywhere else. You are proving to be an organization that gives importance to quality over quantity. You are encouraging efficiency and productiveness.
In conclusion, hiring working moms is not only a better decision for the growth for your organization, but a need for the hour of a futuristic work environment based on empathy, efficiency and impact!
From everyone at Shenzyn, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers. Ain’t no hood like motherhood, indeed!